Saturday 18 October 2008

Great pumpkin, what's happening here?

Strange things are about to happen and no one knows why. Do you?

A short teaser about a fun surprise for fans that will be broadcast at the end of the Supernatural episode, Yellow Fever.



We reckon the box Sammy is holding is the clue...and we are hoping for Dean it contains a PIE!
Then man finally needs his Pie!


update: The Bluebird Motel is featured in the next episode "Yellow Fever" where Dean gets a little paranoid about everything.....


  1. Ok... What's in the box??? Hmmm.... Here in Smiley's house, there has been much debate... We ruled out pretty quickly that due to it's size, Prison break's Sara's head was not in the box... her head is firmly on her body at the moment anyway....

    Then of course, we thought about various foodstuffs... My Mini Me suggested Sam might have ordered a takeaway fish & chips/fries meal for both him and Dean... but then, we also ruled that one out due to the fact that these are indeed two growing boys who would more then likely need at least one big fish each and a large fries each.... so therefore... as the box is a bit on the small size... we are guessing here it's not that...

    Anyway, another clue to why we came to this conclusion is the absense of various paper napkins, plastic forks and ketchup/mayonnaise sachets sticking out of Sam's pockets... etc... Sam isn't balancing a tray with some coke on his head either...

    We would love to think that Sam has indeed remembered Dean's Apple Pie this time....Our fingers are crossed really tightly, here in Smiley's house!!!! Go Sam!!! We are really rooting for you here... Go Fetch some pie!!!! :)

  2. Is this is another of Dean's Insensitive Moments? First he plays 'Fire of Unknown Origin' while pranking Sam in the car ("a fire of unknown origin took my baby away", for Pete's sake!) and now he's "totally jamming Eye Of The Tiger" just weeks after his Second Coming.
    Then again, he might not be himself in the that clip, LOL. You just never know with Winchesters...
    Thanks for bringing us the clips!

  3. Did anyone else think Dean's hands in the second clip were slightly off - like he was actually drumming to a different song?
    I'm gonna stick my neck out and say he's actually listening to AC/DC's new song 'Rock and Roll Train' playing on the radio, LOL
    If I'm right, do I get cookies?

  4. Ooooor - did they finally gets permission / budget to use LED ZEPPELIN song and the fact that it looks like he's jamming out of sync is cos they've covered it with Survivor?

  5. Ahhh Damn it.... It's only doughnuts....

    Why oh why oh why.... won't they give that boy some pie.....

    Now, it's just getting cruel.... Look at the poor boys face... He's needing sugar badly.... Oh why tease him.... Sam, you should be ashamed of yourself,.... playing along!!!! LOL

  6. I've been thinking... Pie may not be so good for our boy after all... when you look back on Dean's relationship with pie throughout the whole of Supernatural....

    Stick with me here folks... Do you really think Smiley would come on here blaspheming Dean's pie, if she didn't have the evidence to back all this up.....???

    Ok Evidence No1 ...

    Scarecrow Ep...

    Not too sure whither Dean actually got pie or not, but he was going on and on about it like his life depended on it... and then.... He gets stuck tied up in an orchard, of all places about to get obliterated by a fugly scarecrow!!! Seriously.... If he didn't mention the pie... they wouldn't have stuck the boy in an orchard to go get his own apples....
    He even said... something along the lines of.... 'I hope your freakin' Apple Pie was worth it'!!.... thus showing that he, himself was blaming all the troubles at the time on the pie....

    See.... ??? I am on to something here....

    And there's more....

    Evidence No.2...

    All Hell Breaks Loose 1 & 2 !!! YES... TWO FULL EPS OF A SPIRAL OF EVIDENCE!!!!

    Ok the first ep pretty much starts with Dean sending Sam in to a diner type establishment for some pie.... resulting in Sam getting demon napped, Dean getting a series of woeful headaches and is seeing bells.... Sam then gets killed, which leads to ep 2... where Dean sells his soul to get Sam back.... who ironically would never have died at all if it wasn't for the damn pie in the first place....

    See..... The evidence against the not so innocent pie is really piling up here....

    And then we have evidence NO 3...

    Then we spin forward, no doubt forgetting at least one or two pie related incidences in between... to present day... Season 4.... current eps... We then come across the Hello,I'm Dean Winchester [or whatever] ep.... Dean sent Sam in to shop to get pie and he came out empty handed, thus leading to a pile of Megs, Henrikson's and Nightshifter guy [who's name currently escapes me...see that's what pie does to you...] coming back trying to kill him all over again!!!

    And although, I haven't yet seen the ep... the very fact that Sam comes out of store etc... with doughnuts instead of some pie, probably led Dean to all that crazy Tiger dance moves as well... see... loss of control of his body... it's all adding up here....

    So you see folks, I think today... I have put in a fairly strong case in encouraging all us fans to stop demanding that boy gets some more pie.... Despite the fact, it tastes really good...and ups his sugar rush a tad... it's really not so good for his overall health... which of course we care about more!!!

    So in conclusion, I reckon we should start encouraging Sam to go get some doughnuts instead of pie... and have the word pie totally banned from the show....

    Okie Dokie then folks... that's my random thought done with today.... :)
