Tuesday 17 February 2009

Bucket List #1: What have we here, Jared?

Why does this remind us of a Jolly Rogers pirate convention? Pass the buddle of rum, arrrrr!

...and what does THAT look like to you, hm?

...and why - do tell us- has Jason got his hands THERE?

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We bet he'd love to work in a lamp store, wouldn't he?

...and he has really curly hair! Does this mean he is straightening it?

...and last but not least...THIS! Emo-Alert!!!

Note: the rest of the goth horror can be found here


  1. Ok folks....
    Seriously, where does Smiley start with this lot of pictorial beauties???

    PIC 1: Usual group of Testostrone fuelled guys... the vast majority of them sadly looking as scary as a ball of pink wool!!!
    Jared, hun.... You know Smiley truly loves you and fully admires your overall efforts in keeping fit & well here.... but, on behalf of women all over the world... please see it's well past time to stop working out so hard now.... before you get an idea in your head that you want to start thinking of upping your game, varying your challenges etc... that involves you tying all these guys up together in a big ball and using them as your next set of weights.... :D

    PIC 2:.... That TV alone looks like it's 100 years old.... We won't get SPN on that over in the US, now that All has gone digital or whatever.... ;)

    PIC 3: Smiley is honestly more worried about the steel rod coming out of Jared's head at that weird upward angle.... and look there, behind him... another one coming out of his head.... WOW!!! Remarkable.... What will it take to kill the boy off???

    PIC 4: Ahhh don't knock the 'Padalecki Decorative Headpieces', folks.... Some people would kill for a hat to wear at a wedding like that one.... in fact, I think my aunt once wore one of them to one of our family functions.... Such colour... so brightens up any room... :D Oh sorry... I just can't say anything more about the lamp.... LOL

    PIC 5: And OMG... There is such a thing as too much of one colour in a room !!! Nice smile though... :D

    PIC 6: Oh Jared..... Sweet little Jared.... What was going on here? Smiley is not sure at all if I am liking the new Gothic look at all.... You're looking scary!!!
    Although.... If you take a quick glance up the top of his head.... you can nearly see a tarantula with big hairy scary legs nesting up there.... in amongst all that gorgeous hair....

  2. i couldn't have summed it up better

  3. Ahhh but
    I'm sure you could try.....
    Go on.... give it a go!!! LOL!!!

    Btw... that pic with Jared & all those guys in the huge torsoed looking t-shirts etc... is beginning to give me nightmares now.... please make them stop... they're scaring me... LOL
