Tuesday 31 March 2009

The Monster at the End of This Book

Okay, okay...deep breath y'all....deeeeep breath....what do you mean: Sam and Dean are fictional? You do want us to cry, don't you? Cry like little girls who you stole the last cookie from! You can't toy with people like that, not crazy people anyways.

Ok, so what have we here then? Is it a plane, is it a bird? No, it's Supernatural taking the uhm, mickey out of itself.

So far we have:

  • a diner called "Kripke's Hollow"
  • a comic book that is no comic really and is called "Supernatural"
  • a comic book cover with "Fabio" on it (hahahahaha)
  • an author called "Edlund" like the producer
  • National Geographic Magazines in a laundrette? Seems a little far-fetched...

Let us know if you find anything else.

1 comment:

  1. Well that's settled then....

    Now that we know Dean & sam are not actually real.... we'll just stop watching the show then.... Bo point at all at looking at something false & untrue..... :-D
