Saturday 26 April 2008

A Bucket of Rice...

...well in this case it's a bowl, but close.

There is a lot of fanart about on the wonderful wide web, and my favourite are the comics featuring manga-style Weechesters, tiny tiny cartoon boys.

A lot of the art I have seen is really good and I hope it helps people to get practising and eventually into the right profession, otherwise they would be wasted talents, and I know first hand what that means.

The rice bowl scenario is simply crazy and completely wacky and that's why I like it and is worth mentioning here (click image to enlarge) :

Supernatural seems to inspire people beyond the show (we won't mention fanfiction here) in so many quirky ways one could argue that they have nothing better to do then dwell on their love for the show.

May that be so, but being a fan seems to be an important part of life and it can give the right people a sense of direction and an idea what they eventually want to do with their life.
Some become writers, some artists, some might even end up in the TV business themselves.

Whatever it is, being a fan is probably better than having no passion at all.

-posted by Nana-

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