Tuesday 13 May 2008

JASON MANNS & THE LIFE OF RILEY UK TOUR MAY 2008 - "Kickoff Opal Lounge, Birmingham"

Yesterday was possibly my weirdest day ever.

Let me explain: I went to the Aslyum Convention last weekend where I met all sorts of interesting people and quite late on Sunday I met K. She is the mastermind behind Slique Events who happens to organise Jason Manns/Steve Carlson & The Life of Riley UK tour in May.

As she was discussing the plan for the next day with her team member L, I overheard them talking about cars and it seemed that they needed a bigger car than a Clio, so I was foolish enough to mention that I had a 4x4. Their heads turned and I had no idea what I had gotten myself into there and then.

That was Sunday. On Monday I had to get up at 6am and make sure to be back at the Hilton in Birmingham by 10am to pick K up and then take her to Heathrow to pick up Riley and Hank -both part of the Life of Riley-who by the way I had no idea who they were.

The drive to London was pretty easy and I had time to get to know K better, since I only met her the day before, not even 24 hours ago, but I don't know about you K, but I like you and I had a great time with you yesterday and I am still so impressed how you manage all this and the tour...and the guys of course. You know what I mean..keyboard..wink wink.

Now, having safely arrived in Heathrow Terminal 3 on schedule the only thing that wasn't there on time was the guys plane. Their flight with American Airline was delayed by fantastic 3 hours and Riley later told us that they had to turn around back to LA after 1,5 hours in the air because there was a problem with the plane and they had to switch over. This would have not happened had they taken Virgin Airlines which arrived on schedule at the same time the AA plane should have - damn you airmiles!

While discussing the options, K got a call that the damn sound guy plus equipment back in B'ham never showed, yet the sound check for Jason and Steve was due around 1pm. No guy, no sound check, so a replacement had to be found quickly.

Having 3 hours to kill we went to a nearby place in London to kill the time there, I met K's cute daughter which now officially brings the count of kids I know and like up to 3. She is a very cute and bright kid, yet a crazy old lady can make her get scared of a spoon and a yogurt.

I was incredibly tired, not too mention hungry, so I kinda fell asleep on the sofa until around 3pm it was time to head back to Heathrow. Our main worry was the rush hour traffic back to B'ham which meant we had to get the guys straight to the gig. My main worry was that they had big luggage, because even though I have this 4x4 it's a small one and not to roomy in the trunk region.

Finally having met Hank and Riley, who needed a smoking break after the long flight first, we somehow managed to squeeze them and the luggage and the 2 guitars in the car and driving like the devil was chasing us we got the guys to the Opal Lounge by 7pm. The last hurdle was the parking garage called Touchwood (touch wood, bang my head into a wall more like!) and couldn't find the exit out. In our defense we were not the only people wondering how the hell to exit this place on foot.

Eventually L came to pick us up and guide us to the Opal Lounge were a bunch of guys were already cuing up and I recognised some faces from the Asylum Convention.

Jason and Steve were already doing their sound check-I forgot to mention that their van had a puncture earlier on-so they had been wondering around a shopping center while K and I were stranded in London.

I wish I could remember more from the sound check as it was pretty cool. I remember Steve running around sorting some of the technical issues always lending a helping hand and for some reason his hair looks cute up in a ponytail thingy. It's sometimes the oddest things you noticed when you are really tired. Oh, and I liked his shirt too!

Everyone was really involved and it shows how down to earth and really into their stuff these guys are. Steve made up a song during his mic check, Jason lent chaotic Riley his guitar as his battery went dead, in my opinion all very fascinating stuff.

The gig eventually started at around 20:30pm with Jason kicking off, by then I felt a little delirious and really spaced out, but I managed to remain in an upright position standing on my own two feet, as I really wanted to see Jason and as much of the other guys live as I could take, as I have never been to any of their gigs before and I love acoustic guitar gigs like these...well, maybe not with all the logistical stress involved.

Not knowing what to expect I was fully taken by Jason's excellent voice and the humour he brought along with him. From my experience and having met my fair share of musicians through another friend of mine who does events in Germany, I find that they tend to ramble on between songs, and it's usually stuff that is boring as hell, or they explain a song and you just want them to shut up and get on with - but not Jason Manns.

Not only is he a great musician, but on stage this big quiet guy (who currently resembles a bear I think, a cuddly one though) becomes a great entertainer and at no point did the cranky voice in my head want him to shut up-not ever.
I also like the fact that the audience was allowed to interact - in general I was surprised that the guys just mingled with the crowd like that and did not hide in a back room until it was their time to play - I wonder if that was just tonight's occasion or a usual thing?

Dear Jason, I am also looking forward to see if you will name that new song "It's going to be okay"- "The lala song" or just "Jim" - which did win? - I also wished that as I left and saw you outside I could have had a proper conversation with you - there is so much I wanted to say and ask but my last brain cell was already flickering like an old light bulb before burning out - not my proudest moment. Still you have been very kind and I'd like to thank you for even talking to me.

Right, the person I wish to not give any thanks to is that lady that tells every one at the gig and who is unfortunate enough to be standing near her to shush as she wants to listen to the music, which is kindaok , since we all came for the music, right? But this ain't a cinema my dear, we are allowed to talk you know, and next time you tell the tour manager and the girl who drove some of the guys to the show so you could see and listen to them, off for talking near you, then I have 11words for the overeager fan in you: Shut your cakehole, have some Purple Nurples and enjoy the show!

I only wish I had been more awake last night and could have paid more deserved attention to the whole event, however when it was Riley's turn and he told the crowd that he came with a bus (my 4x4 is and will never be a bus I'm afraid) I had to call it a night as I still had to drive myself home and I had been basically driving all day yesterday (a total of 600km probably). Before I left there was this loud bang and before I knew it Riley's back was against the wall and the chair in a horizontal position - the good man had fallen off and I thought he grew up with horses. Expected better balance man!

Anyways, it was an eventful day and as bizarre as it could get, yet I know it was all worth it. All the sweat blood and tears that goes into making an event like this tour happen is fascinating to me and now I can truly appreciate what all these guys do and how hard they work for what the love doing the most - like getting off a delayed plane hopping on stage and falling off a chair all in one night but still keeping their spirits up and the people entertained.

I also want to thank K for taking me along for the ride. She does an amazing job and these gigs are worth every penny (only 10 pound a ticket); so if you read this and are within the UK, get moving and go to one of the shows(or all of them) while you can - you got until Sunday then they'll be heading back to L.A.

-posted by N-


  1. Wow, that was nice of you. But the guys are great. I am lucky, living in LA, getting to see them all the time. But, I have yet to see all three sing together! But, to answer your questions. They normally do hang out with the crowd when they perform. Conventions are just different. :) Ins't Jason just a big ol teddy bear? Love him.

  2. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment.

    Isn't it just funny how you sometimes stumble into things without expecting it?

    I wish I could be in LA too. Lately I am meeting lots of people from there but have never been but been trying to get a job overseas for years.

    I agree in the teddy bear look ;D Definetly prefer Jason's new look over the old one, when I see an old picture I don't think it's him at all. And his singing is just the best! I play his CD over and over in my car, even with Riley in and he got so fed up! lol
    I am glad these guys do mix with the crowds, I think that's what all good musicians should do more often.

    Hopefully I can manage to see them again Sunday, really like to see Steve C live too.
