Saturday 30 May 2009

Lucifer, Rambling On

Dear diary:

Been a strange week. Lilith called a few times, saying she was close to cracking open that last seal. I was excited as all Hell, obviously, but at the same time, a little sad. After all, she was my very first accomplishment. Knowing I’ll have to say goodbye to her is a depressing prospect.

Then surprise surprise, she leaves me a message that she needs help from one of the many demons knocking about down in the Bad Fire. Someone apparently helping manipulate people to get me out - real, live people. She said I’d be pleased with the scale of the machinations and plain sneakiness of it all. I’ll wait and see on that one.

It’s a weird feeling, knowing I’ll finally be out after being cooped up for so long. Won’t know what to do with myself, I think. Oh no, hang on, first job will be to kill the sneaky demon that’s been helping Lilith. I mean, one back-stabbing staff member is enough, can’t have another waiting in the wings ready to kill to get promoted.

And if her plan works, and I’m truly free, she says I’ll have someone called Sam to thank - the one Azazel apparently put in place. Hmm. A little worried here: he’s human. Just human. How will he be able to crack Lilith open to set me free? Well, she says he’ll do it.

But my spies up above tell me that this Sam human will not be my biggest worry. They say Sam, useful in that he’ll get me out (so maybe I’ll wait a while before killing him), has a brother - a big one. One who actually killed Azazel. It strikes me that I should squash the both of them PDQ. Would save a lot of running around, angsting bollocks.

But then that raises another question: if Sam has the juice to get me out, what does this brother have? Lilith said he’d been in the Bad Fire for forty years before he was rescued. Just what did he take away with him? I’m guessing he’s not about to scream like a girl and run away like Brave Sir Robin when I do finally catch up with him - for is it not written: “He was a hero who, by his courage in the fiery furnace, his unreadiness to break down and grovel before a popular conception of the character of the All Highest, had proven himself capable of facing a greater revelation than the one that satisfied his friends.” Yeah, thanks for that Joseph Campbell. You git.

And this thing about him being the breaker of the first seal… Also a worry. He might feel obliged to put me back in the bottle - guilt does strange things to these humans. There's no good me standing back going "I am Lucifer himself, sunshine, and you're just one human - come and have a go if you think you're hard enough!" For I bloody well know that it is written: “Cast abroad the rage of they wrath: and behold every one that is proud and abase him. Look on every one that is proud, and bring him low; and tread down the wicked in their place. Hide them in the dust together; and bid their faces in secret. Then I will also confess unto thee that thine own hand can save thee.” (Job, was it? 40:7-14? Or is that some wench’s phone number?)

Hmm. Seems like just one worry on top of another, these days. Have to have a bit of a chuckle over the irony though - two brothers, one a saviour of evil, one a saviour of the other side. And apparently, neither one ragingly enthusiastic to be there. Think of the torture that must put them through! Just delicious…

But then, another worry: that means they’re doing the job because they can’t leave it to anyone else, not because they want to. Hmm. Extra mile territory, perhaps. Bugger.

Best to kill them ASAP, I think. Send them both down to the Bad Fire where one of my minions will be only too glad to stick it to them for a while.

Yeah. That’s a plan. Ok then, I’m wrapping this entry up - got to get ready for my grand unveiling in a few hours: practise my evil laugh, find some worthy body to possess, prepare to smite. Yup, a full schedule.

With a bit of luck, the next entry in this diary will be written while I’m free Topside.

Fingers crossed, eh.

Wednesday 13 May 2009


So we're not in the jungle! So we're not in Manilla! But - roll up, roll up, ladies and gentlemen, Supernatural fans of all ages! Have we got a treat for you!

Not more than 34 hours from this very post, the most exciting, most thrilling display of dirty fighting, one-up-manship, sneaky leaking, sibling murder-mayhem and naughty combat ever portrayed on film will be available to the public! So come one, come all, as we get ready for:

Yes folks, you read that right! In the black corner we have the oh so wanting to be the good guy Sam Winchester - child prodigy, Dark Prince, shagger of demons and drinker of blood.

In the white (or, oh, ok, grey) corner we have the ne'er do well, bad-boy wide-boy Dean Winchester - shagger of at least his own species of female, righteous man, breaker of virgin seals and owner/driver of the '67 Impala handed down by the lesser deity known as John E. Winchester.

Who will be victorious?
Who will win the right to save the day?
Will just getting the chance mean mankind's salvation?
Only time will tell!

The CW. 9pm / 8pm Central USA time.

You know the name. You know the number.

You know you'll be watching. Can you afford not to?

* 'Stoater' = [noun] (Scots.) A blindingly good-looking person, an amazingly good quality item.

Friday 8 May 2009

It's the End of the World as we know it...

...and we feel fine.

Honestly. We do not get what all the fuss is about. Come on, you seriously doubt the Winchesters can be fooled by demons and angels like that?

We wonder who is playing with whom the whole time...

Saturday 2 May 2009


In these difficult times, it is important not to give up, to keep striving for whatever you believe is right - even if annoying siblings keep confusing the issue by trying to go Dark Side. Remember, people, sometimes you find what you need in the more surprising of places.

Click the small one to get to the big one.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Is Dean in Heaven?

Booze, cheesburgers and uhm harp music.... judge for yourself.

And what does Sammy get, you wonder? Defo looking like the basement to us!

Sunday 26 April 2009

Yellow Eyed Demons are coming for you!

Holy Crap this is weird!

According to this german ad for private health insurance a female YED-Demon can be seen going down the commercial route to get your life force and in full public view!

Or are we just seeing things cause we sensitized our beautiful puppy eyes for all that stuff that is lurking in those shadows and under our beds (and we are not talking dust mites and dustballs here!) - we always admired YED's subtle approach to do his bid in Season 1-3 of Supernatural, but this is a whole new strategy we have not seen coming.

"The new generation of of private health insurance" - are we glad we are not insured :p

The Kim Manners Motel

I admit it. I was so mesmerized by the Sonny Bono reference (you know the little guy of the duo Sonny and Cher) and that glorious mustache, that I did not see on the left of the card the name of the motel: Kelsey Manor (and NOT Kim Manor, like many claim to read)

I love this subtle tribute to the late Exec Producer Kim Manners, but for a few split seconds on a busy TV this was even a little too subtle for a crazy bucket.

Divine Alert: Have you seen an angel?

Angel Missing! He is about 1.80, big blue puppy eyes and wears trenchcoat like Columbo and goes by the name Castiel or Cast for his friends.

If you have seen him or know of his current whereabouts, please leave a message or contact the Winchesters.

Thursday 23 April 2009

Oh Brother, WHY art thou?

...and what is which all the orange fake tanned faces, hm?

..personally, I think the boy, Adam looks like a young Dr. House.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Dear Dean

Office Of The Almighty

 22nd April, 2009 (Earth Gregorian calendar)

To: Mr Dean Winchester, Esq.
C/o driver’s seat,
The Metallicar,
Kansas CNK 80Q3

Re: Morale, Bolstering Of / Reprimand

My dear Dean,

I’m sure this letter will come as a shock to you, as you struggle to make sense of season four so far. At this time, the last quarter of the season, I wish I could tell you everything will be alright. But I know it will be anything but.

Despite anything you may have gleaned from My operatives, you must believe that I am rooting for you. To have one misunderstood grafter whom no-one seems to support anymore on My team is most interesting, and I await your searing insight into how to proceed with much anticipation. I understand you feel alone, and I understand everyone needs encouragement now and again. For this reason I have asked one of my best operatives, Zachariah, to keep an eye on your progress - to pop down every once in a while to inspect the troops, so to speak. He has been a fan of your work for a while, and to be honest it also keeps him out of the office where he continually giggles to himself as the demonic host body count goes up on your personal scoreboard.

He has recently reported to Me, however, that you seem to have ‘dropped the ball’, as he put it. I am given to understand that this means, to use another of your human sporting analogies, that your batting average is lacking right now. We can’t have that. I understand you have had some tough times, but that’s no excuse to wibble like a small child and try to pass My operative Castiel a note from your parent to get you out of sports for the afternoon. You have been an adult for many years now, and while I realise you had no choice but to start acting like one at far too young an age, I also maintain that we all start as we mean to go on - and that includes acting like an adult. Yes, everyone has their off days (I swear to Me that I just stepped out of the office for a moment while the re-count for George W. Bush’s election votes was on), and yes, most people need a break every now again.

But not you. I have of course been watching you, Dean Winchester. I know exactly how many female names you have in your phonebook, and I even know about the secret overnight bag in the boot of your car for those times you wake up with a hangover in a place you did not expect to be - nothing gets past me, sunshine. I know you create opportunities for ‘happy endings’ and accept perks of the job where you can, because you do not know when you might find it again. What I am trying to tell you is that I know you are not the type to need to unwind - you are always like that. (It’s what keeps your hair up.) I know it, and so do you. So please, for the love of Me, get your game head back on and get back in the championship league - don’t make Me take further steps to convince you that, ultimately, you have no choice. Do you seriously think you can leave it to someone else?

I cannot stress enough how important it is that you keep fighting the good fight. A wary eye on your younger sibling would also be appreciated: spare the rod and spoil the child. And no-one wants that. (I have already written to your brother; see attachment.)

Finally, on a personal note: It is immensely gratifying that you share My adoration of My creations, or rather, the females. And while I did not invent cheeseburgers, I approve of their use as an emotional crutch when your sibling whines all day. But please, do not covet that automobile so. After-all, it is only man-made. And as spring dwindles and we head toward summer, I think it’s high time we got back to single layers - I recommend those thin t-shirts with the nice loose V-necks. I think you’ll find a lot of those females you spend so much time thinking about will appreciate the change from your usual unnecessarily heavy shirts. And I do think you should let more people see proof of the Work I do - or at least, the Work My operatives do on my behalf - right there on your shoulder. It will be good for you too to get those arms of yours out more - that burn needs a bit of sun if it is ever to heal properly. Trust Me, no-one will protest.

My eternal love by thine (and as always, love to Bobby),


Next time you happen to speak with My operative Castiel, please inform him his dry-cleaning is still waiting to be picked up. Perhaps you could do an old creator a favour and nudge him in the direction of a less scruffy Columbo outfit - and perhaps find a way to help him relax between assignments? If he asks Me one more time why I will not allow him to take in a Basset Hound, I swear I'll start smiting.

Monday 20 April 2009

The Gag At The End Of This Pic

In stores now! Do you have your copy yet?

Available from all good book and comic stores in the Kripke's Hollow area.

*Book and all rights belong to Sesame Street, property of the Children's Television Workshop. Photoshopping by me. Sense of humour required.

Saturday 18 April 2009

Dear Sam

Office Of The Almighty

18th April, 2009 (Earth Gregorian calendar)

To: Mr Samuel Winchester, Esq.
C/o passenger seat,
The Metallicar,
Kansas CNK 80Q3

Re: Attitude, Adjustment Of

Dear Sam,

It has been reported to Me that your attitude has taken a rather unfortunate downturn in recent weeks. I refer of course to your constant intimation that your brother, namely Dean, is not the man he once was.

It may have escaped your notice that, since returning from Perdition, your brother has had quite a few rather sizeable personal obstacles to hurdle. While you have enjoyed the warm blanket of faith in Me all of your life, your brother has, at best, been waiting for proof, at worst, unprepared to accept there may be anything good left in the multiverse. His retrieval by one of My most trusted operatives was a horrific shock to his personal belief system, one that My operatives confirm that he is still struggling with.

Secondly, and not to put too fine a point on it: he was in Perdition. By definition, not a place to be enjoyed. I have heard of human soldiers suffering from post traumatic syndrome for many years. Half a season to get over his soul-destroying experiences cannot be too much to ask, surely?

I understand you feel that he is somehow different. He is, and even he does not comprehend just how much. However, you must continue to believe in Me and trust that I ordered him back for more important reasons than simply preventing him from choosing to ‘open the box’ over ‘taking the money’. It cannot have gone unnoticed that he is still prepared to do the job, however much you accuse him of “losing his edge”. Everything is unfolding as it should, and I would appreciate a little more faith in My planning abilities, thank you.

While we’re on the subject of faith, perhaps you could take a moment to think carefully about the reasons you believe this ‘Ruby’, as you prefer to call her, is actually appearing to help you. It breaks My heart to see such a fine, honest believer corrupted by the likes of ‘Ruby’, and sometimes I wonder why I find you humans so fascinating anyway. While you are, certainly, one of My finer creations (I take personal responsibility for those expressive eyebrows), you need to ensure you do not let yourself cross the line from cute and useful to Dean into borderline Ends Justifies The Means. Trust Me, you do not want Me to become upset over the actions you bring about in the name of the Greater Good. Your brother himself warned you about this subject: you must be wary of good intentions. I believe he put it best: “Ruby’s just jerking your chain down the road. You know what it’s paved with and you know where it’s going.

Finally, on a personal note, please wear less layers. I gave you that body for a reason, and it was nothing to do with clothes horses. And don't worry, I have already sent a letter to your brother.

Love to Bobby,

Sunday 5 April 2009

Hot Fudge #2

Day two of the LA convention saw some real good times.

We were spoilt right from the get-go: some excellent music videos (including one everyone needs to look for on You Tube: "The New Face of Sexy" by the brilliantly talented Lsketch42) followed by onstage Q&A with Richard Speight Jr. He shared wonderful anecdotes from 'Band of Brothers', the films he's made (and helped to re-write) and, for the benefit of those of us seeing him for the first time, he also shared his story of him and Jared's dogs ("So I walk into Jared's trailer and the first thing I think is 'oh God, I'm afraid of dogs!' and the second thing is 'this ain't Jensen's trailer!'"). His recounting of the great peanut campaign for 'Jericho' was hilarious, not to mention very interesting... He fielded all of his questions with great humour and grace, and it's easy to see why he's become a convention favourite.

Then came a very funny, very enjoyable 50 minutes as Charles Malik Whitfield (Agent Henrikson) took the stage. So very different from his on-screen character, he was laugh-out-loud good. He recounted filming experiences, told anecdotes, and shared his disbelief of being his demon captor exorcised via a toilet bowl of holy water in the episode 'Jus In Bello'. His description of the scene and how it was shot, as well as his desire to believe that Henrikson didn't actually die for good, kept all of us fans laughing and applauding. It was a real shame to see him go. And no, he didn't need CGI or black contacts for the time he was possessed - he's just that damned good...

Next guest: Samantha Smith (originial Mary Winchester). She shared her feelings on season four's in the beginning episode, including Young Mary and how the whole deal went down with the demon. Quieter than Malik and perhaps a little shell-shocked, nevertheless she was funny and brought a welcome difference of opinion to it all. She spoke about how they manage to set people alight on ceilings, on not kissing Josh Duhamel in 'Transformers 2', and how she got into acting from modelling. Engaging and relaxing, her hour sped by.

Next up was Jason Manns, singer/songwriter extraordinaire. He too was warm and funny, and much as I remember him from last year. You know when you meet someone and you have certain conceptions of what they're like, and then you see them again and they're nothing like that? Well he's not different at all - he's just the same and he's still ace. I managed to get a t-shirt and a new live CD by him, so I was happy (and yes, he signed it too).

A quick trip for a photo with Jason, and then autographs with Richard Speight Jr and Charles Malik Whitfield later, and we were in Champions sports bar eating proper cheeseburgers (and the only thing I eat when I'm out, apart from lasagne, a Philly Cheese Steak). It was just two hours till the combined Jason and Steve Carlson concert, so we had to get food and alcohol down us.

Ok, skip back to the concert featuring first Jason Manns and then Steve Carlson (so glad to see others dancing too, it wasn't just us!). It was excellent fun, and the whole thing sped by like Time was on rollerskates. After it started and finished late due to technical issues, we hurried round the corner to the next conference room to be seated for the dessert party.

It was Dean's Pie a la Mode Dessert Party, and we could sit wherever we like in the massive ballroom made for 500 patrons. We found our two favourite Buckets In Training, brand new ace friends, and sat together. Apple pie with ice-cream and Official Soupdragon High-Octane Fuel (vodka) was in abundance, and then the guests arrived. Richard Speight Jr, Samantha Smith, Jason Manns, Steve Carlson, Charles Malik Whitfield and of course the reason everyone had hared round so fast to get their arse in a seat: Misha Collins.

Like speed-dating with the stars, each guest had two minutes sitting at each table, chatting freely with guests. Everyone was exceptional: funny, personable, hot. And the funniest thing: when Misha Collins does a man-chuckle he scrunches his nose up. As if the man could not get any more edible...

And that was Saturday. It was getting up to one or even two in the morning before we crawled into bed, happy and tired.

I have few rules in my life, because I believe in as little stress as possible. Pretty much the only rules I have are as follows:

1) Do not drink blue drinks.
2) Do not eat the green wobbly bit.
3) If it won't give, kick it.
4) Do not brave a Sunday before at least noon.

The last rule was about to be broken; a breakfast including both Jensen and Jared was scheduled for 8am SUNDAY MORNING and I would just have to be there. Oh, but that's another post...

Wednesday 1 April 2009

The Jared Wednesday Post

No. No April Fool. Fool. We just declared Wednesday to be Jared's day. And if he plays along nicely and we actually keep remembering and looking at all our post-its plastered all over the place, we might do this kinda thang every week... once Dean has stopped whining and crying about the End of the World (as we know it) we might even give him a specuul day too. But not now. We don't like him right now. Bah. Sissy!

So, we were wondering. Has Jared found a way to travel back into the 70s when he was actually not even born yet (aaawww that baby) because at first glance this thang looks like a clip taken straight from a 70s movie's not like we have been stuck in a lift before, but if we do, we will WAIT, won't we, douche-nozzles?

To all the sucky jobs we had in our lives before we became a Bucket of Crazy: yes, yes, yes, YES, YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!! GO Jared, GO!

Ok, we are generally kind and nice, kinda like Sam, but we can go darkside too. Does anyone else find this Jason C. dude a liiiiiittle annoying too? Seriously How do J and J ever put up with him not wanting to punch that guy?

...oh these eyes and that hair... *faint* ...we must get those weak knees looked after

Tuesday 31 March 2009

News from the Ghostfacers: Lesson#1: DON'T!

..try this at home...

PS. Even though we DO NOT support these wannbe-hunter-douche-nozzles, we reccomend you go and check out their new HQ here...

The Monster at the End of This Book

Okay, okay...deep breath y'all....deeeeep breath....what do you mean: Sam and Dean are fictional? You do want us to cry, don't you? Cry like little girls who you stole the last cookie from! You can't toy with people like that, not crazy people anyways.

Ok, so what have we here then? Is it a plane, is it a bird? No, it's Supernatural taking the uhm, mickey out of itself.

So far we have:

  • a diner called "Kripke's Hollow"
  • a comic book that is no comic really and is called "Supernatural"
  • a comic book cover with "Fabio" on it (hahahahaha)
  • an author called "Edlund" like the producer
  • National Geographic Magazines in a laundrette? Seems a little far-fetched...

Let us know if you find anything else.

Sunday 29 March 2009

Hot Fudge #1

A quick on the spot report from LA, where the Soupdragon is currently vacationing. Y'know, taking in the sights (Winchesters and angels), listening to the stars (Tricksters, back-stabbing Jakes and innocent Obi-Wans/Andys) and general photo-taking, autographing and shopping mayhem.

It's the LA SPN convention: day one.

A quick squiz round the vendors' room to make sure we have autographing material later and we're queueing for Gabriel Tigerman autographs. He's a bouncy wee soul, very Andy-ish behind his desk. We bounce off to catch Julie McNiven (Anna Milton, A.K.A. Anna the angel) on stage. Very sweet and amusing, she was finally asked the question everyone really wanted to ask but were afraid to: "what was it like to make out with Jensen?"

"He was a perfect gentleman about it, and he just made sure I was as comfortable as possible the whole time." The first inkling she had that perhaps kit-shedding was on the cards for her character was when she was told by the wardrobe department that she would need to be fitted for underwear. But hey-ho, that's the job.

Later in the day we saw Alona Tal (Jo Harvelle), and she was hilarious. She was definitely up for sharing and dishing, and very funny and personable to boot. She talked about her dark scene with possessed Sam ("Born Under A Bad Sign") and her enjoyment of the whole danger of what the scene could have turned into. She was quizzed on her work on Veronica Mars too, and it was clear she loved sharing info on the shows she's been on and the stars ages worked with.

Autographs from Gabriel, Julie and Alona later and it's time for a cup of tea!

The late night Purple Night karaoke party went ahead apparently without a hitch - as the sounds of people stumbling back to their rooms on our floor will atest.

Next post: Saturday's guests, tea, famous people, tea, laughs and more tea. Promise.

And hopefully, I'll be able to add some pictures at some point! When I can find a way to get them from my phone / camera over here...

Saturday 28 March 2009

Kripke's Hollow, Dead Parrots & Pie

PS. If you click on the pictures you should get them bigger to read some of the text better :)

The other day at the Diner....

After yet NO pie AGAIN for Dean, they realised all the Diner stink stuck to their clothes and that they hadn't washed their stuff in quite some time...

Fed and freshly washed'n'dried they went down to a shop investigating the case of a dead parrot...finally some action!

Sam had no idea where Dean got the parrot from in the first place and why he was talking with a considerably bad british accent all of a sudden. Maybe Dean needed the parrot for some kind of apocalypse-prevention-plan that Castiel told Dean about? That Angel had some weird-ass ideas sometimes...anyway, Sam decided to play along and back his brother up. This is why the Winchester boys always were such a good team.

So when Sam finally decided to speak not only in his head his voice put the fear of...uhm

....and he also threatened to slap the shopkeeper with a book, but the shopkeeper had no parrots left so Sam's threat did not work on him. Also, Sammy had picked up a Softback instead of one of the 800 pages Hardbacks from the other shelf, so the shopkeeper knew, despite Sam's size and lion strength, that he had nothing to fear. Sam knew he had made a vital mistake grabbing the wrong book, but locked eyes with the shopkeeper until he finally told them to go and see his brother in Bolton, UK. He had an identical shop and maybe he had some parrots left.

So the Winchesters were heading to Bolton...

(may or may not be continued)

Monday 23 March 2009


I am so glad I found this clip again! When Supernatural first hit they UK this was the spot they showed on ITV2 and I have no shame to admit that this clip DID NOT make me want to watch this series because I really thought these college boys were just another bunch of weaklings taking themselves too seriously and also thought this clip was quite camp...BUT!

There is indeedy a but! Having seen it again 3 years later (oh how time flies!) I take it all back. The clip is actually quite good, with the music and all. And even though that girl is not Ruby it seems strangely accurate and well-suited for season 4. Hmm...maybe the Great Kipke did have a plane after all and is not making it up as he goes along, like the dudes from LOST.


Sunday 22 March 2009

It's a terrible life

It really is. Have you seen the news lately? Or the the weather report? People have no clean water to drink and...oh, wait, wrong cause...uhum...*cough*

Right, welcome to our weekly bucket load of upcoming episode spoilers. This one is especially creepy to me, the person typing this, as I myself have worked in an office before, in a similar cubicle typ situation and it is not pretty. Been called a "monkey" and what not and many my co-workers were on the brink of an amok run...ah good times, good times.

And the office microwave! Do let me tell you that I always thought that the gate to hell would be big enough for a person to squeeze through, but maybe demons are a bit more flexible since they seem to travel in black smoke form and saving great amounts on overpriced airport and fuel supplement charges.

I must say that I never had this kind of conversation but have had the occasional "oversharer" in my close vicinity. They never talked about ghosts though... wish they had *insert annoyed Sam face here*

Awesome! The world in the hand of our Ghostfacers! "Real Ghosthunters" ?

So remember folks when you leave for work tomorrow:


Aw, come one you guys! Do we have to tell you everything?

Proof of the Almighty!

Alright, alright, alright. I know what you’re thinking. You’re all still strung out over episode 4x16 (‘On The Head Of A Pin’) - but if you're not, I shall not be spoiling it for you. Suffice to say, this is my Knowing Wink Of 'I Saw It Too', and leave it at that. Anyway, if you DID see it, you probably need comfort / something to kick / brain bleach (delete as appropriate).

Well here we are - all of the above. Cos I know you were all also thinking “hey, if we have angels, then maybe there’s a God…” Well of course there is! See? I bring you Exhibits A - D (please not to be laughing at my appalling Photoshop skills, I is a n00b):

Yeah, it’s a shock to me, too. I’ve spent all my life as a confirmed atheist. Now I don’t know where to turn, I really don’t. Thoughts, anyone?

Saturday 21 March 2009

This crazy multiverse...

Today we would like to ask Jared a question. No, not who he is dating or why. Not, what he is planning to do after Supernatural and why. Not, why he keeps bailing on cons, and why.

Frankly, we don't care much for the boy's private life. In fact we are pretty sure it is much, much, MUCH more boring that our very own lives. Sure, he gets to hang out with Jensen, who wouldn't find that exciting at first ...and then once or twice thereafter...but seriously, if you get to see the same people for nine months straight and wouldn't you just want to bail and get a new life?

Ah, simpler times.

Some of you may have heard of facebook, no? We are sure some of you very, very clever ones are trying to hunt down our little demon hunters, but you have to keep in mind, that you cannot hunt a hunter. It won't work. It's only going to end in tears. Or you get disspointed when you realise the one you were hunting was a fake.

We especially like how one profile says "Imposters are like cochroaches: Once you think you've killed 'em all, new ones show up!" - so true.

Jim Beaver, who seems to be the only real SPN actor on facebook that we know off once said in his status message that he is "positive that Jared and Jensen are NOT on Facebook or MySpace....Just FYI" but that is not keeping anyone from hoping, right? There is hope that the Beaver is a fake and if fake Beaver says that then it could be a false positive, right? Come on, we know how your minds tick. After all it takes a crazy person to know a crazy person..or wait, no the sane ones claim to spot the crazy ones... ah forget this argument.

Anywho, who can blame you to hope? Just search (we know you have done so already but stay with us) for Jared or Jensen on myspace and facebook and you will find millions of clones out in the cyber world. Many times we have come to wonder if reality has split into several new dimensions and makes it possible for one person to be in more than one place. Sometimes that place is Kansas, mostly LA it seems. Maybe the idea of Mystery Spots across the world is as real as an index finger pointing at an idiot. Seriously, either science hasn't had time to research all this simultaneous phenomena properly yet, or there simply IS no phenomenon. Boring as this may sound. The rule is, that the simple answer is always the right one.

Back to our question for Jared...we recently keep saying Jarhead in our minds and have no clue why. Damn the crazy!

Now, if you Jared Padalecki were to go on facebook, what would you actually do with it? And b) would you seriously use THIS --> picture for your profile?

And last but not least, Jared: WHY ARE YOU KISSING (or eating?) A CHICKEN HALF NAKED, DUDE?

Just wondering.

Remember, takes a Crazy to know a Crazy, right?

Sunday 15 March 2009

THAT'S what our Sammy does!

Sammy, Sammy, Sammy...

At second 0:15 we finally discovered what Sam and Ruby are up to all this time, and now we are not sure if we should be really disgusted or not - what the hell is wrong with us!

Saturday 7 March 2009

Death Takes A Holiday

It's back, it's back! Next thursday....ooohhoooo! We are jumping up and down with excitement and yes, we may look a bit silly doing that at our age, but WHO CARES!!!?? It's back, it's back just so Death can take a holiday!



#3 ...hey isn't that the Death Chick from the hospital???


... a shame it isn't the kind of DEATH that talks only in capital letters ;p

I USHERED SOULS INTO THE NEXT WORLD. I WAS THE GRAVE OF ALL HOPE. I WAS THE ULTIMATE REALITY. I WAS THE ASSASSIN AGAINST WHOM NO LOCK WOULD HOLD. - “Yes, point taken, but do you have any particular skills?” — Death consults a job broker - (Terry Pratchett, Mort)

It is a fact that although the Death of the Discworld is, in his own words, an ANTHROPOMORPHIC PERSONIFICATION, he long ago gave up using the traditional skeletal horses, because of the bother of having to stop all the time to wire bits back on. — (Terry Pratchett, Mort)


Wednesday 4 March 2009

SPN'ised, dude!

Yeah, dude, the Soupdragon totally got, like, Supernaturalised. And just 3 weeks, 1 day and 16 hours before she gets to the SPN Los Angeles Convention (can you say: ‘way too excited!’ yet?)

So if you happen to be in LA around the end of March and see a European English bird that fits this description (and answers to ‘TozaBoma’), shake my hand and we’ll buy each other several pints/beers/Purple Nurples.



Saturday 28 February 2009

Is Big Daddy Winchester coming back?

Well, just HOW MUCH would you like Big Poppa Winchester to return to Supernatural and that ASAP?

Thursday 26 February 2009

Smiley and Kiki got Supernaturalized

What would you look like?

It's no news really. Everyone can look like a South Park resident these days, thanks to the awesome Janina from Germany and her cool flash site SP-Studio. The Images are free to use(if you just mention a link to her site) and have become very popular across the net. The quality is outstanding and I am currently southparking all my friends...and while at it, myself and Smileyone have become supernaturalized!

So here's what we look like as Sam & Dean...

smileyone got deanified and can carry loads while hunting demons in style mixing purple nurples at the same time

kiki got jarified as brooding is her 2nd nature anyways, whilst the wand has yet to prove useful

If you ever get Supernaturalized make sure to let us know!

Kiki & Smiley

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Phew, Supernatural season 5 confirmed!

Over are the sleepless nights we spent dreading the news and wondering if season 4 was the last we'd ever see of Sam and Dean. Bad omens! we thought, when the second half of season 4 was put on hiatus again, just after the unexpected and still shockingly early death of director and producer Kim Manners. Still with more episodes to come, this season is the most unnerving one yet. Angels, demons, torture, lust and mistrust. It is all there and lots of it.

And there is no rest for the wicked yet, as according to Spoiler TV (and they said it so it must be true) that Supernatural got its renewal for another season today and which we all know will be its last.

"Also renewed were the network’s established Thursday team of SMALLVILLE, in its ninth season, and SUPERNATURAL, which after posting ratings growth this season, will enter its fifth season next year."

But lets not think of this yet. First we need to find out if the rumors are true and a 3rd Winchester is going to appear and if he is genuinely made of win!

If true or not, this strategy would even makes sense, since Sam has grown up so much (oh and DO we love it) that the old little brother-old brother dynamic duo isn't as dynamic as it used to be. Gone are the days of prank-pulling and making fun of Sammy. You make fun now, you get your soul ripped out these days....ah yes, good old times. Maybe the 3rd brother is going to bring them back. You know, like Leo Getz in Lethal Weapon. Of course Riggs always takes the mickey out of Murthough, but it is so much more fun if they team up so Leo Getz gets it, get it?

I almost feel a little bad for a 3rd Winchester, because what does he have the other boys don't? One has been to hell and back and the mark of an angel while the other one has demon blood in him and a soul-ripping mojo. This won't be easy to beat.

(next episode: Death Takes a Holiday, Thursday March 12 on the CW)


Me thinkin' Sam no likin' Castiel!

Don’t you be squishing an angel, Sammy-Sam-Samuel! Not good! Not good!

Especially when he's wearin' your jacket from season two, and after Dean borrowed it for the first episode of season four - cos you chucked all his clothes when he carked it at the end of season three, oh ye of little faith!

*Aroooo-ga! Aroooo-ga!*

Back away from the angel!

Saturday 21 February 2009

Jensen Ackles starring in THE MASS SPIDER SLAYING SHOCKER (not yet rated)

posted on behalf of Smileyone

Following on from our recent post DEAN WINCHESTER IN WIDE-FIT SHOCKER, we here at the Crazy Buckets Office came across a very interesting semi-related article on Jensen Ackles & his pretty big feet. An article entitled 'Shape Of Things To Come' featured in the recent Titan's Official Supernatural Magazine [which we really love reading btw] Jensen Ackles was quoted saying the following:

''Just the other night, when I was getting into bed, I picked up the sheet and slid my legs underneath and as I was about to put the sheet back down on my chest, a spider suddenly dropped down from inside the sheet, right next to me on the mattress and I was just like, 'what?' I got it with my hand, put it on the floor, and then stepped on it.''

Interesting stuff we think you'll all agree. Although a bit sad for the unexpected demise of the poor spider (a second silence please) and ok, moment over… back to Jensen!

At first we were having images of a big clump of spider goop being stuck to Jensen's underfoot…

(Jensen, serial spider killer)

...but then we started thinking about just how much of a serial spider killer our Jensen may actually be? We started seeing the spider bodies piling up all round his bed. Maybe he has already started to fashion a little moat around his bed (ugh). A big moat to separate his little bed from the rest of the world. Maybe that's why we don't see so much of him about when Supernatural is not on TV… see, where we are coming from? We're starting to worry here…
We came to this conclusion as he continued to say:

"I don't like them, but they don't frighten me.If that would've have been anybody else I know, it would've been, 'WAHHHHHHH!' What's amazing is that if you think about how many spiders you don't see. That's more scary to me then actually seeing one, because if I see one then I know where it is and I can take care of it… [ btw "Taking care of it"don't see that can mess with my head.'' doesn't always mean killing it, surely?]...but it's all the ones I don't see that can mess with my head.''

( Kinda like these scary bitches, Jensen?)

We're thinking spiders around Jensen's house have started to view his bed area as 'Spider Graveyard' i.e. the place where they all go to die!

See, in Jared's bedroom space, because we've heard that that boy is up at all stupid o'clock-o'times of the day and night pounding pavements an such, he has worked out how to confuse them! It's daytime all the time in Jared's room! Spiders say 'Oh, coming up to night time, soon time to go out hunting… oops, daytime again… staying in again' -thus starving them all to death in their little hidey holes (genius!) Therefore, they all then head into Jensen's room in their droves to catch a last meal before stomping time!

Really, we here at Buckets, have started getting worried. Jensen will have built such a big wall up around his bed using all these dead spider goop, legs, squishy bodies etc… that very soon, we may never see him again!

(So maybe he is really Spiderman?)

In an effort to stop this from happening, we want to suggest some ways to use up all this spider stuff, before he makes it his life's mission to rid the world of every arachnid!

  1. We thought we'd suggest he gathers up a load of goop and makes some protein enriched shakes for Jared to have each day before he goes out pavement pounding…
  2. Or maybe mixing some in with his cereal in the mornings, adding a bit more fiber to his diet
  3. He could stick them all in a big material bag and make a huge big comfy beanbag out of them
  4. He could even mix some in with a bit of glue, wrap it all up in a bit of cling film and make some really interesting looking weights for Jared [Shhhh, Jared, look away now or you will have spoiled Jensen's next birthday present for you… :D] ...the possibilities are truly endless.

Yes indeedy, we think of everything here at Buckets, so you can thank us later Jensen, we don't mind.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Challenge: Jared Padalecki Uglified!

Today we have learned a new word: Uglified!
It is the opposite of beautified and does exist. Check out the Merriam Webster if you don't believe us (or look into a mirror first thing in the morning before you had your coffee if you doubt us....oohhh, now, now! Put the salt gun away peeps, we are all in the same ugly boat here).

Seriously, you can trust us, that we are not only ugly on the amount of coffee makes us beautified, it is hopeless. But while we are killing time being so very, VERY bored until the return of Supernatural, we want to start a little competition: Get Jared uglified! We are tired of his good looks! Enough! He makes us feel bad about our own looks and we don't want to feel bad anymore.

The rules are simple:

Hunt down the worst picture that was
ever taken
of gorgeous hunk Jared Padalecki.

We know it is a tough call, but we are sure he just cannot be that perfect.

Somewhere out there, someone must have a really bad picture of him. And no, not just him wearing ugly clothes or sporting too orangy fake tan. It must be really bad. You know, the kind of bad picture we average people take when we try our best to take a very good picture. The kind you just want to burn and never look at again. The one that gives you goosebumps from embarrassment; that you wish the earth would open up and swallow you whole and everyone else who laid their eyes on this picture from hell.

Please help us prove he is just as average like the rest of us :D

To enter:

Simply post a link to the picture from
hell into the comment box of this post.

Good luck and lets see what you got!

Alternatively we do not encourage you to take picture of him yourself if you see him at a Con or on the streets, but we are also not stopping you since we cannot really stretch our arms that far.

Jared Padalecki, Goth Horror

Following up on our last post "What have we here, Jared?" we cannot get over the goth horror pictures we found. They are the result of a Friday 13th Goth Photoshoot of Black Book Magazine, and whilst the rest of the cast looks pretty stylish in their goth outfit, the emo look just doesn't go down so well with Jared Padalecki.

And have you also noticed who sickly stick-thin this look is making him?

You can see all the photos here

And may we just add, that Jensen can pull off the eyeliner at least 1o inches better than Jared. Must the two compete in everything they do?

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Bucket List #1: What have we here, Jared?

Why does this remind us of a Jolly Rogers pirate convention? Pass the buddle of rum, arrrrr!

...and what does THAT look like to you, hm?

...and why - do tell us- has Jason got his hands THERE?

MovieWeb - Movie Photos, Videos & More

We bet he'd love to work in a lamp store, wouldn't he?

...and he has really curly hair! Does this mean he is straightening it?

...and last but not least...THIS! Emo-Alert!!!

Note: the rest of the goth horror can be found here